If you've landed here, you may be interested in stocking U Jelly Masks in your store - go you!
Our current stockists LOVE the Bulk Tubs as a service offering in their salons, as well as stocking the Single Masks and Bundles on their shelves for customers to take home. Whatever you want U Jelly for, we'll make it work.
We can't wait to talk to you about the possibility of getting U Jelly on your site or shelves. To do so, please email us the below to hello@ujellymasks.com.au
- First and Last Name
- Business Name
- Email
- Contact Number
- Shipping Address
From here, we'll be in touch with our Stockist ordering process.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out via email at: hello@ujellymasks.com.au